GravityStripe Start Date Add-on

GravityStripe Start Date Add-on Demo

Are you creating an enrollment form and need to charge a weekly, monthly, even annual subscription with Stripe and Gravity Forms?

This GravityStripe add-on makes it really easy to set multiple start dates in the future for form users to choose from. The date will become the 1st charge date for the subscription.


I run a summer camp and want to charge weekly. I've got 3 summer camp start dates that parents can use to enroll their kids.

With the GravityStripe Start Date Add-On, you'll simply create a dropdown with your camp start dates for parents to choose from.

Once the parent enrolls their child on the start date, they will not be charged until that date, but will be pre-enrolled.

Using Gravity Forms entry limit, you can make sure to limit the number of camp participants and each participant will be charged on the same date as their first day at camp.



GravityStripe Subscription Manager Pro Demo

GravityStripe Subscription Pro makes it easy to manage Stripe Subscriptions made through Gravity Forms.

Advanced Features of Pro:

Subscribers: update card info, upgrade/ downgrade subscription

Admins: upgrade/ downgrade subscriptions, auto-cancel subscriptions if payments fail, set subscriptions to cancel immediately or at the end of the cycle, downgrade subscriber role automatically if canceled, issue refunds

To see the demo, start by clicking the blue button below.

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